
Why Do We Need Computer Glasses?

For people who work at a computer for a significant of time, computer glasses are strongly recommended by any eye doctors. Computer glasses are specially designed reading glasses that are aimed at lessening a group of symptoms associated with prolonged computer use. Why do we have these symptoms? Because when we look at the computer screen, our brain and eyes react differently than they do to printed text. These symptoms often include eyestrain, dry eyes, headaches and blurred vision. If you have some of these symptoms, it means you should get a pair of computer glasses. And most people know, if it is properly fitted with you, these can really work.
computer glasses
There are several kinds of computer glasses which are distinguished by their type of lenses. The simplest form of computer glasses is single vision, whose only purpose is to enable you to view the computer screen clearly and cannot work for near and distance vision. The next one is flat-top bifocal. It looks just like a regular bifocal lens that some people wear for distance and near vision. But the function of it is quite different. The top part of the lens is designed to view the computer screen while the bottom part of the lens is designed to view the reading materials. This is perfect for someone who works at a computer and deals with reading materials the whole day. There is visible lines that separate the two segments. Though they provide wonderful viewing for computer screen, items in the distance will appear blurry. So this type of computer glasses is restricted to wear before the computer.
computer glasses
There is another kind of computer glasses that are called variable focus. This is pretty much like what we know as progressive lens except it is much more task specific. It has three segments that are designed to view different range of objects. The top of it is designed to view objects in the distance. A wide intermediate segment is set to view the computer screen. And a small segment in the lower part is for focusing items on close range. This lens has no visible lines, so it may feel like normal vision. Remember, as long as the computer glasses are prescribed properly, it can benefit you. For qualified and cheap glasses, check some examples at firmoo.

